Did you know anywhere from 30-50 million people snore at some point in their lives? While this common trait can often be the subject of joking and teasing, this actually shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s actually a tell-tale sign of sleep apnea, the second-most prevalent nocturnal disorder aside from insomnia. This condition, if left untreated, can dramatically increase your risk for heart attack, stroke, and even sudden death while you sleep. But luckily, the team at City Line Dental Center can help with sleep apnea therapy in Richardson – without the use of an uncomfortable, cumbersome, and embarrassing CPAP machine.
Cityline Dental Center
June 12, 2017
Sleep Apnea Therapy In Richardson WITHOUT CPAP
May 31, 2017
Your Richardson Dentist Offers 4 Bonus Dental Tips!
Keeping a healthy smile—from the tops of your gums to your tongue and intricate crevices between your teeth—takes dedication and diligence. It’s important to set aside a few minutes twice a day to dedicate to your oral health. Your Richardson dentist wants you to know how often you should be practicing proper dental care to keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong. By following these tips, you can keep your smile fit for years to come!
May 13, 2017
Sleep Apnea Therapy in Richardson: Boosting Diets & Smiles
Have you ever wondered if your sleep habits are effected by your diet? You’re completely correct! We can even go as far to say that your dental health, diet, and sleeping habits are all connected. But how? City Line Dental Center is more than happy to explain how these three aspects of your health intermingle with each other. Furthermore, if you’re having issues with either or several of these aspects of your health, we could potentially help improve them with sleep apnea therapy in Richardson.
April 24, 2017
Your Dentist in Richardson Explains Two Systematic Diseases
Can your oral health determine if you’re at risk for heart disease? Believe it or not, your mouth definitely can. Researchers have found that patients with periodontal disease (advanced gum disease) are twice as likely to have heart disease compared to patients with healthy gums. The American population has a history of having high cholesterol which further increases their chance of having heart problems if they don’t take diligent care of their teeth and gums. Your dentist in Richardson, Dr. Melody Stampe of CityLine Dental Center, wants our patients to understand the relationship between dangerous bacteria, inflammation, and serious heart conditions.
April 14, 2017
3 Helpful Oral Hygiene Tips by Your Dentist in Richardson
Did you know the many benefits that come with keeping up good oral health habits? When you greet someone with a gorgeous, healthy smile you automatically leave a good first impression. Studies have shown that society reacts to straight, beautiful smiles much more positively compared to flawed, decaying ones. When you make smile confidently, you’re more likely to snag that second date or get that promotion at work—yeah studies show that people with great smiles are considered to be more successful. Why wouldn’t you take the necessary steps to have healthy teeth and gums? Your dentist in Richardson wants every patient to have the knowledge on how to maintain great smiles. If you follow these helpful, quick tips and tricks you can be on the road to sparkling pearly whites!
March 16, 2017
Why do I need to see my Richardson dentist twice a year?
Can you remember the last time you saw Dr. Stampe? If you can’t, then chances are you’re overdue for a dental checkup. The American Dental Association recommends twice yearly checkups for you and each member of the family. All of us at CityLine Dental Center think that’s a great idea. Why? Because your Richardson dentist and her team believe that these regularly scheduled appointments can be your key to a bright smile and better overall health.
February 28, 2017
Need a Dentist in Richardson? Look for These 5 Things
Choosing a dentist is a big decision, and you want to be sure you’re making the right choice for you and your family. So how can you decide, out of so many dentists in the DFW area? We’ve got 5 key things to look out for: expertise, proven results, expert staff, comprehensive services, and great online reviews.
February 13, 2017
Why Do I Need a Sleep Study for Sleep Apnea in Richardson?
If your doctor has recently recommended you undergo a sleep study, you may have been caught a bit off guard. A sleep study is often recommended for patients who are suspected to have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects more than 25 million Americans. It results when the airways collapse at night, causing numerous pauses in breathing frequently throughout the night. Since the symptoms of the condition can be difficult to recognize, a sleep study is the only effective means to properly diagnose the condition. If you are found to have the disorder, you will need treatment for sleep apnea in Richardson.
January 11, 2017
5 New Year’s Habits from Your Dentist In Richardson
It’s a new year, which means one thing to many people: New Year’s Resolutions. What do you want to be better in 2017? Your health? Your appearance? You can actually improve both this year by just taking better care of your teeth. These 5 healthy habits from Dr. Melody Stampe, your dentist in Richardson, will enhance the look of your smile and make it healthier than ever. (more…)
January 4, 2017
6 Reasons You Might Need Sleep Apnea Therapy in Richardson
Sleep apnea is a common condition that affects about 20 million people in the U.S. every night. Whenever most people hear about it, it’s usually associated with being extremely overweight, and more commonly affects males. However, sleep apnea can affect a wide array of people despite their size or gender. Today, Dr. Melody Stampe is going to share 6 reasons you might need to get sleep apnea therapy in Richardson. (more…)