When’s the best time to schedule a dental checkup and cleaning? Of course, any day is a good day to have this type of appointment, but when it comes to the best time, many experts would say it’s early on in the year. “Why?” You might ask. You’ll have to read through this post to find out!
Start the Year Fresh
Firstly, getting a dental checkup and cleaning sooner than later is simply satisfying. After your dentist flosses and polishes off your teeth, you’ll be able to go into the rest of the year with a fresh, shiny smile. Goodbye plaque build up and hello vibrant and clean teeth!
Take Advantage of Dental Insurance
If you have dental insurance, you’re not paying a monthly premium for nothing. Not all, but most plans cover 100% of the costs for a checkup and cleaning appointment – they’re that important. Make sure you get at least two checkups and cleanings in before the end of the year to make your insurance pull its weight.
Protect Your Smile
Checkup and cleaning appointments are known as preventative care. This is because they’ve been shown to significantly reduce your risk of several oral health issues, including gum disease and cavities. Plus, your dentist can apply a protective fluoride treatment upon request, which will further shield your pearly whites from tooth decay. Why not go into the new year knowing your smile is empowered to fight off oral conditions?
Check on Your Oral Health
Cleaning your teeth and mitigating bacteria and plaque build up is a huge reason checkups and cleanings are so effective, but the checkup portion shouldn’t be undervalued, either. Many oral conditions are treatable when detected early, so regular checkups increase your odds of catching problems before they become complicated.
If you do end up needing a cavity or gum disease treatment, then taking care of it early in the year might help you reach your dental insurance deductible sooner, too. Once you meet this annual number, you likely won’t have to worry about paying out of pocket for another 12 months!
While it’s best to simply schedule a checkup and cleaning than wait for the absolute perfect time, there are several advantages to making these appointments early. Work with your dentist to choose the best day and time for you and enjoy the minty-fresh feeling that comes with clean and protected teeth.
About the Practice
Dr. Melody Stampe and Dr. Tamara Gater make a dynamic duo here in Richardson. Both dentists have over a decade of experience in dentistry, and are affiliated with several prestigious professional organizations, including the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, and the American Academy of Orofacial Pain. If you’re looking to schedule a dental checkup and cleaning, look no further than Dr. Stampe and Dr. Gater! To contact their office, call 972-231-9499.