Bio-LIFT® Treatment – Richardson, TX

Beautiful & Natural Facial Rejuvenation

Here at Cityline Dental Center in Richardson, we believe that creating a stunning smile can involve more than just the teeth and gums. That is why we offer facial aesthetic services, including the innovative Bio-LIFT treatment. It combines three popular anti-aging techniques to produce beautiful and natural facial rejuvenation. Continue reading this page to learn some important details about Bio-LIFT, and then get in touch with us to request your consultation.

What Is Bio-LIFT?

Woman relaxing while undergoing microneedling treatment

Bio-LIFT is a multi-pronged approach to facial aesthetics. It combines:

  • This treatment uses tiny needles to cause controlled damage to the skin. It promotes collagen production and skin rejuvenation.
  • Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). PRF is derived from a patient’s own blood, which is processed in a centrifuge to separate the part that is rich in platelets. Strategic PRF injections can amplify the results of microneedling.
  • Natural facial fillers. Fillers help to plump areas of sagging and wrinkled skin, leading to a more youthful appearance. The fillers used in Bio-LIFT are all-natural.

These three treatments can work together to produce truly outstanding results. Bio-LIFT can be considered a sort of non-invasive face lift!

Who Is a Candidate for Bio-LIFT?

Woman looking in mirror, concerned about signs of aging

Bio-LIFT might be right for you if you struggle with any of the following skin issues:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sagging skin
  • Hollow under eyes
  • Smoker’s lines or lip wrinkles
  • Dark spots and acne scars
  • Crow’s feet
  • And more!

Of course, our team will perform a thorough evaluation before approving you for Bio-LIFT treatment. Certain skin conditions or medical conditions might mean that you have to wait to undergo this service. For example, it might not be right for you if you have active acne breakouts or certain illnesses that affect your blood.

Benefits of Bio-LIFT

Smiling, happy woman looking at herself in mirror

Some of the top benefits of Bio-LIFT include:

  • It uses natural ingredients that carry very little risk of severe negative side effects.
  • Because Bio-LIFT uses your own blood, there is almost no chance of contamination.
  • From start to finish, Bio-LIFT usually takes just 45 minutes, and no downtime is required afterward.
  • The procedure is comfortable — in fact, most patients feel no pain at all!
  • Your results may last longer than if you underwent any singular anti-aging facial treatment. It could be several months before retreatment becomes advisable!
  • You may start to notice significant improvements in your appearance within just a few days, with final results appearing after a few weeks.
  • Bio-LIFT can help individuals who want to improve their appearance but are not yet ready to undergo invasive facial surgery.

Bio-LIFT Treatment FAQs

The Care Esthetics team at CityLine Dental Center is ready to help you turn back the clock on your appearance with the innovative Bio-Lift facial treatment. Before you come in for a consultation, though, you may be eager to learn more about the road in front of you. We invite you to take a look at the FAQs listed below. If your particular questions are not included here, call our Richardson team. We look forward to speaking with you!

Does Bio-LIFT Cause Any Side Effects?

Bio-LIFT is a low-risk treatment. Microneedling might cause some temporary soreness, and the same thing is true with PRF and filler injections. However, any post-treatment side effects that you experience should be quite mild. They should not interfere with your normal routine.

If you do start to suspect that you are experiencing adverse side effects after your appointment, give us a call and describe your symptoms. We will do all we can to successfully guide you through the situation.

What Does Bio-LIFT Feel Like?

Bio-LIFT treatment is relatively comfortable. The experience is a bit different for each person. We will ask you periodically throughout your appointment how you feel and if you are in any pain. Depending on your answer, we will strive to make adjustments to your treatment accordingly. We want you to enjoy a positive aesthetic care experience from beginning to end!

How Much Does Bio-LIFT Cost?

We tailor Bio-LIFT treatment to the needs of each patient, so the cost can vary from case to case. Due to the combined nature of this premium service, most patients pay at least several hundred dollars. Because it is an aesthetic treatment, you should not expect your insurance to pay for any portion of it. However, our office does offer some convenient payment options that might make it easier to afford your new glow. For example, you might be eligible for low-interest financing.

When Will I Start to Notice the Results of My Treatment?

You might start to notice results fairly soon after your treatment. However, it can take 4 – 6 weeks for you to experience the full benefits of microneedling and other aesthetic services. If you want your results to be complete before a special event, it is important that you plan ahead and book an appointment early on.

We suggest that you take photos before your treatment and use them to track your progress as Bio-LIFT works to give you an improved complexion! Even though the results will occur gradually, they can make a big difference in your appearance over the course of a few weeks!