Have you been avoiding dental care out of fear or anxiety? Dr. Stampe, Dr. Gater, and our dental team are excited to announce that you no longer have to be afraid of visiting the dentist! We offer effective sedation dentistry solutions, and have created a warm, welcoming environment here in our dental office. Patient comfort is our top priority. Relaxing solutions for sedation dentistry from our Richardson, TX dentist, coupled with our compassionate, gentle approach create positive dental experiences. They are also the reason so many of our patients have come to love visiting the dentist!

Sedation Dentistry Solutions
With sedation dentistry, you can relax and even enjoy your time with us. Whether you have mild to severe dental anxiety, Dr. Stampe and Dr. Gater can recommend a sedation solution for a stress-free, pleasant experience.
Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation
A clear, odorless gas inhaled through a nasal mask prior to and during your procedure. Nitrous oxide renders you calm and relaxed, and delivers a euphoric feeling while inhaled. Once your procedure is complete we administer oxygen, which quickly dissipates the effects of the gas. Nitrous oxide leaves no aftereffects, and you do not need a companion to drive you following this type of sedation.
Oral Conscious Dental Sedation
A prescription sedative pill taken about an hour prior to your visit. Oral sedation is ideal for moderate to severe dental anxiety. It creates a deeper sense of calm and relaxation, and may leave you with little-to-no memory of your procedure. Because the effects of oral sedation typically last several hours, you will need a companion to drive you to and from your appointment.
Local Anesthetic
Numbing agent used to anesthetize teeth, gums and bone in treatment areas. Local anesthetic is often administered in combination with sedation solutions, and ensures patient comfort throughout the procedure. The numbing effects typically last a few hours, so it is best to avoid eating until after the anesthetic wears off.